Walking Talk

Coaching on the move: Take a walk with me in the Snowdonia National Park. Know that you are being heard, and engage with the natural landscape as you explore possibilities.

Perhaps you are at a crossroads in your life or career? An issue or conflict you wish to resolve? The flow of the walk helps to keep the conversation alive, the inspiration of the landscape breathes perspective. Active listening and reflective feedback keeps the focus, but, as always, we hold the key to our own goals and solutions. The Walking Talk simply facilitates the process, enabling us to move on, forwards and up!

Walking Talk can be an hours walk by a mountain lake or stream, or a whole day’s climb of one of our magnificent mountains. These walks serve as a great metaphor, a journey which can be both memorable, and also allow more space for refection.

If the nature of the exploration is one of overcoming some obstacles or fears, you may choose to take on something which may be a significant personal challenge to you; A particular scramble or climb may be used to represent a personal barrier, and enable you to physically “dig deeper” to connect with the resources required to make some real headway in the real world situation. Trust, confidence and resilience in adversity are the same muscles we need to practice on the mountains as in life situations.

Since I came to live in Snowdonia in 1979, I have become familiar with many remote trails and climbs, as well as the classics. Your safety, both physically and in terms of privacy and confidentiality are my priority. We will always discuss the nature of the terrain and the level of the walk, as well as setting the boundaries of the discussion.

It is important to note that you do not need to share specific content during our talks, in order for you to gain some insights and benefits. All you need to disclose are how you feel about your choices, and your comfort levels whilst on the walk. We will need to ensure that you have the appropriate footwear and clothing, but any specialised equipment will be provided.

Take your next step

For more information and to discuss your coaching requirements please contact me on anita@surfsister.co.uk or 07585 974323